How To Get Started!


1. Choose a Subject.

Welcome to The Art Hour! First, begin by looking under the ‘Programs’ tab, where you will find different art subjects. Browse each one, click on the different classes offered, and choose which one interests you!

2. Check our Class Schedule.

Once you have decided which class you would like to take, check our ‘Class Schedule’ tab to see when your class will be offered. Here, you will also see what materials are needed for each class, the difficulty level, the age limit, and a brief description of the class.

3. Register for a Class.

Under each event, there will be a link that will take you to an SignUpGenius page. Simply fill out the required information and you are all set!

(Please note that minors must have permission from their parents or legal guardian over the age of 18 beforehand.)

4. Take your Class.

The day of the class, you will receive an email with the link to the Zoom class and some additional materials if needed. Simply press on the link and enjoy your class!

5. Explore More Classes and Subjects.

Repeat steps 1 to 4 and feel free to explore other subjects and classes. We will be offering classes all summer so make sure to check back to see updated course schedules.

7. Check Out Our Social Media!

We will be posting regularly so check it out! Also, feel free to tag us and share your work on our socials!

Instagram: @the.arthour

Twitter: @TheArtHour1

Facebook: @thearthour